Patents registered under the USPTO will be valid for 20 years from the application filing date. Before filing a patent application for your property, you must learn about the types of patents available under U.S Law.

There are four types of patents available under U.S. law. They are: 1. Utility Patent (Non- provisional) 2. Provisional Patent 3. Design Patent 4. Plant Patent

The utility patent protects inventions that fall into one of these categories: machines, manufacturers, processes, the composition of matter, and improvements.

Utility patent is valid for 20 years and prevents others from making, selling, using, or importing your invention or property without your authorization

A provisional patent provides short-term protection of 12 months for your invention with less cost than utility patents.

The validity of a design patent is up to 14 years, and you can prevent others from using your designs during the effective period.

a plant patent is also valid for 20 years. To obtain a plant patent under the USPTO, the creator must produce new and distinct varieties of plants through asexual reproduction methods such as grafting.